Friday, August 31, 2012

September Artisan of the Month

 In September we are featuring Rose Marie Aronsson as our artisan of the month. Rose Marie makes lovely and practical to use stitch markers so you'll find a sample of her goods in your package if you place an order in September!*

1-      When did you learn to knit and/or crochet and who taught you? 

I learned to knit in school and to some extent from my grandmother, I didn't keep up with it at that point though and forgot about it. After my grandma died and I realized I had no-one to knit me socks again I decided to learn so I contacted a LYS and learned the basics from them and the rest on Youtube.

2-      When/how did you get into designing stitch markers? 

I decided to make my own stitch markers cause I felt the prices for the ones I found were a bit steep when you have to pay a lot for shipping as well since I live in Sweden. To begin with I only made them for my self but then I decided to try and sell them. And it worked :)

3-      What is your favorite fiber/weight yarn to work with?

Well I don't work with yarn in my business but when knitting I mostly use fingering weight yarn. 

4-      What are you designing now (that you can tell us about)?

I'm planning some new sets for Halloween and I'm always thinking of new color combinations for the shop. 

Part 2:
1-      What is your favorite word? 
2-      What is your lease favorite word?
Don't have one that I can think of.
3-      What turns you on?
Pretty yarn and fiber and really good books. 
4-      What turns you off?
Books that end the wrong way and tv-series that get cancelled in the middle of a season.
5-      What sound do you love? 
My dogs yawning.
6-      What sound do you hate?
Right now it's the high pitched bark from our puppy, it's almost enough to pop your eardrums.
7-      What is your favorite curse word? 
Not sure I use more  than the f-word. 
8-      What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? 
Not sure but I would love to work with animals. 
9-      What profession would you not like to?
Deli-counter in shops, I have a problem with certain smells and raw fish is one of them. 
10-   If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
I prefer to think of it as Valhalla and then it would be something along the lines of "Here's your mead, come on in and join the party"


*free stitch markers included in all non-Club orders over $30 while supplies last

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