My husband and I have decided that Honeybun, though a fine "baby name" for our new rabbit just isn't quite right as her 'real' name. Shes going to be a big rabbit, which is fitting since she already has a big personality, and Honeybun just doesn't seem big enough. Chris thinks that she needs a "drag queen name" (his words). But we just can't seem to come up with the right name. So, I'd like to hear your opinion. What would be the perfect name for this little basket of trouble?
OMG! I'm still jealous, she is just too cute. How about 'Little Bunny Foo Foo?' Or....Peaches? As for Drag Queens, I think you need something a bit more exotic...
Hmm I don't really have any good suggestions. After all I named my bunny "Lovey" which was then changed to Mr. Lovey after we discovered he was a male.
Fantastic drag queens I have known: Anita Dick, Mary Kay Mart, Big Shirley, Connie Lingus, Attila Sparkles, Madam Ovary, Mary Ann Unfaithful, Sharon Husbands, Vivian Von Brokenhymen
Alternatively, if you wish a drag king name: Ivan A. Cock, Jack Longwood
This was fun nostalgia, let me know what you eventually choose.
I just got two white angora ribbits. After struggling with names, I thought of a great name if one of the was the lovely color of your bunny. Paprika I think is a great name. Cinnimon seems to common. Sharon Imler
Doctor Bunny. I think.
Or Rake Vive, since I won't get to use that one, at least not any time soon. :)
How about just Honey? It certainly fits her color! Or how about Softest Cutest Bunny in the World?? How's that?
OMG! I'm still jealous, she is just too cute. How about 'Little Bunny Foo Foo?' Or....Peaches? As for Drag Queens, I think you need something a bit more exotic...
Priscilla, Queen of the Livingroom!
Have you considered any German names since she's a German Angora? I'm particularly fond of Ulrike (pronounced Ool-ree-kuh).
Hmm I don't really have any good suggestions. After all I named my bunny "Lovey" which was then changed to Mr. Lovey after we discovered he was a male.
How about Shasta?
Nibble Nutmeg! A proper bunny needs two names, really! She is adorable!
Fantastic drag queens I have known: Anita Dick, Mary Kay Mart, Big Shirley, Connie Lingus, Attila Sparkles, Madam Ovary, Mary Ann Unfaithful, Sharon Husbands, Vivian Von Brokenhymen
Alternatively, if you wish a drag king name: Ivan A. Cock, Jack Longwood
This was fun nostalgia, let me know what you eventually choose.
I just got two white angora ribbits. After struggling with names, I thought of a great name if one of the was the lovely color of your bunny. Paprika I think is a great name. Cinnimon seems to common. Sharon Imler
How about Ginger. :)
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